Mount & Blade - Warband appear for Xbox One and PlayStation 4 | ThinkCreatePlay

Mount & Blade - Warband appear for Xbox One and PlayStation 4

TaleWorlds Entertainment and Koch Media announce today that the sandbox RPG Mount & Blade Warband appear in the second quarter 2016 for Xbox One and PlayStation 4 at retail. Mount & Blade - Warband is a blend of intense tactical combat, real-time strategy and the far-reaching administration of a kingdom, and thus represents a genre represents. Mount & Blade - Warband is the sequel to the original, has the medieval battlefields with a sandbox concept and realistic detailed fighting connected on horseback as on foot. completely open sandbox RPG Single player or up to 32 players in multiplayer inspired by medieval Europe. The huge world map keeps doing many different airports ready.

 In Mount & Blade - Warband the player chooses his profession itself and defines its own goals after the skills and the background story of the game character has been defined in the detailed character creation on multiple-choice questions. The skills improve when they are used in the equally challenging and complex real-time battles. In melee and ranged combat on horseback and on foot, it is important to master weapon classes like swords, shields, spears, bows, crossbows and throwing weapons. The player must retain control of its own troops in small skirmishes and major battles in. Playful freedom guaranteed by the non-linear gameplay. Thus, the player may be about to besiege castles and conquer, to demand ransom for captured enemies or recruiting local volunteers and mercenaries. He can win loyal followers, for glory improve its reputation among the nobility, and finally secured by a befitting wedding his legacy by great deeds. Mount & Blade - Warbandappear in the second quarter 2016 for Xbox One Playstation 4.
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